Generally, we use a false Latin text (the text does not mean anything, it has been modified), Lorem ipsum or Lipsum, which therefore serves as a placeholder. The advantage of putting it in Latin is that the operator knows at first glance that the page containing these lines is not valid, and especially the customer's attention is not disturbed by the content, it remains focused only on the graphics.

There are hundreds of different versions of Lorem ipsum in circulation, but this text was originally taken from Cicero's work, De Finibus Bonorum et Malorum (Liber Primus, 32), a popular text at that time, including one of the first sentences is: "Neque porro quisquam est qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit ..." ("There is no one who loves suffering for himself, neither who seeks it nor who wants it for what 'she is... ").

Generally, we use a false Latin text (the text does not mean anything, it has been modified), Lorem ipsum or Lipsum, which therefore serves as a placeholder. The advantage of putting it in Latin is that the operator knows at first glance that the page containing these lines is not valid, and especially the customer's attention is not disturbed by the content, it remains focused only on the graphics.

Generally, we use a false Latin text (the text does not mean anything, it has been modified), Lorem ipsum or Lipsum, which therefore serves as a placeholder. The advantage of putting it in Latin is that the operator knows at first glance that the page containing these lines is not valid, and especially the customer's attention is not disturbed by the content, it remains focused only on the graphics.

This text has the other advantage of using words of variable length, trying to simulate normal occupation. The simplistic method of copying and pasting a short text multiple times ("this is dummy this is dummy this is dummy this is dummy this is dummy") has the disadvantage of not allowing a correct typographical appreciation of the final result.

There are hundreds of different versions of Lorem ipsum in circulation, but this text was originally taken from Cicero's work, De Finibus Bonorum et Malorum (Liber Primus, 32), a popular text at that time, including one of the first sentences is: "Neque porro quisquam est qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit ..." ("There is no one who loves suffering for himself, neither who seeks it nor who wants it for what 'she is... ").
